Monthly Archives: April 2015

The story of queues

Have you ever been on a supermarket and there are very long queues and every minute you are counting how many people before your turn yes I do that a lot so do not judge me, and also you compare the other people who joined other queues at the same time how many steps they have moved? You do this so you can make a decision on whether to move to the faster moving queues or sit tight on the one you are, at the moment. I guess it is human to want to do that, find which options gets you to your goal as quickly as possible…

I am at point in my life where I feel like I am in queues, I also get  to wonder if my queue will get me to the pay point and how long it will take to do that, should I move to another queue. What if once join other queues the one I left opens up and starts moving?

Queues are darned confusing.

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And open your eyes!

I have finally finalized moving, to a new self-hosted site, you can now head over there and subscribe afresh :-), See you on the other side…




Finally  we are up and running, as you navigate let me know what I may have missed out and what may need improvement on the new home :-).

Karibuni. Welcome. Bienvenu 🙂

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Posted by on April 4, 2015 in Breaking Loose!, Comfort zone.


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