Monthly Archives: August 2014

Stand up, speak, they dig you now!

S: You don’t like being in situations where you might lose, you are good, but outside of your comfort zone you become unsettled…

Me: No way I am good outside my comfort zone, just that I do not like the deep end very much I don’t like the taste of chlorine in my mouth.

I guess I have not been able to hide my comfort zones as well as I thought I have, because the observant eye picks them up quickly. This prompted to try to do something I have been holding off for a while, mastering the art of speaking. This saw me on Parklands Sports Club to attend the toast masters session held there. Being a guest I had assumptions already formed in my head, how wrong I was! I thought;

  1. I would sit quietly in the corner and just observe. These guys don’t operate like that they indulge you that you feel part of the team even when you are just a guest.
  2. Guests won’t be chosen for to speak on the table topics. They chose randomly and guess what? Guests also find themselves participating again.
  3. I remember how in the beginning the Hark Master said that listening is as important in communication as is speaking; they said they would choose randomly for one to answer questions about the whole session at the end. “Guests don’t get chosen for this,” I think, shock on me when I got called, boy wasn’t I glad my mind wasn’t wandering and there being few distractions. I get easily distracted, now a part of my mask is gone you know that haha.

Next time I visit this lady I will not tell her just one but many stories…

What do you need to know about toast masters:

  1. It is a not for profit club
  2. They have various chapters in Kenya (Smartspeak, Kwanza, Early birds and JKUAT Toast Masters clubs I cannot recall the others but will update when I do)
  3. Anyone can join
  4. If you are like myself, you filter out too much of your thoughts you remain without saying what you would like to have said for fear being judged or rejected, why don’t you join one we see how it goes…

Speak until they dig you! 🙂


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Jubilee Babies : Sacrificed For The Hustle.

Our social and moral compass is geared towards the attainment to the dream six. Our decision making process, regardless of status and cost (both present and future) is about the dream six.
Is the dream six such an allure that we have lost our way? The dream six being ONE wife, TWO children, THREE bedroomed house, FOUR wheel drive car, FIVE acres of land and a SIX figure salary! Are they all just a mirage?


NTv have had a provocative feature called Jubilee Babies. It was an eye opener and it really was a well done piece of journalism. This was journalism at its finest. I must admit was difficult to watch. The feature basically followed three women in different stages of early motherhood. It started off with three women in their final stages of pregnancy and followed them through the first year of motherhood.

Important to note, is that two fathers were present in their babies lives and one father was off and then on.

We get to see three babies who cut across the socio-economic spread of the average Kenyan. One baby is born to a homeless mother. Another, born to a mother living in the slums. The third baby, was born to a working middle class mother.

The more I watched the Jubilee Babies feature, the more my heart bled. The more…

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Posted by on August 5, 2014 in Comfort zone.