Ngong Hills Hike #MtKenyaChallenge2017

28 Apr

Ngong hills

The last preparatory hike was Ngong hills now we were ready to take on the #MtKenyaChallenge2017 and the team had already firmed up. This was going to be a laid back affair since Ngong ni hapa tu…

As usual our meeting time was 5.30 so that we leave at 6.00am. I was in town about quarter to six and meet other members who were ready for the challenge. It looks like it might rain and Nnena our newest gang member needs to get a few items for the day that will be. Some random guy passes by with his rain cover, Brian the Magician swings into action and starts chatting him up to convince him to sell his rain cover since we’d be out there in the wild and Nnena would need one talk of team cohesion… The guy is adamant and refuses, it was a nice shot though, Nnena is in luck as Duncan has pochos and she gets sorted.

Everyone is finally assembled and Yvonne is not yet here, on calling her she is still at home, at 6.00!! Now it is playing delaying tactics to see how much time can be bought but long story short she caught up :-).

We get to Ngong town about 7.30 am and wait for Rachel who was to link up with us there. After refilling a second time with breakfast we start our hike. We get some armed escort for the hike and after warming up where Jeremy pulls an unforgettable toe stand move I should get a camera with quicker shutter speed to get some of these moments…

It is all foggy and you could not see more than a few metres ahead of you. I would hear lots of noises only to be told they were windmills. On getting closer is when you got to see them but with the fog that was there you could not paint a proper picture. What I liked about the Ngong hills was that there were so many people who were there hiking and especially older mature coupes, how beautiful is that? When you are probably in your sixties you take the love of your life out there to take a walk as you try to keep fit, life does not sync more than that does it?

Ngong hills has this amazing view that cuts across Kajiado and Narok Counties when the mist clears up you want to keep going round to take it all in and register those memories. One thing you get to notice is that it is very windy. And not just any wind, strong winds that will blow sand into your face that you actually feel pain, it is like someone stinging you with toothpicks, aha, this then explains why even Kengen decided to put up the wind powered generators.


The view coming down


Some clean energy here…

We have our lunch and get briefed about what to expect during the #MtKenyaChallenge2017. Thereafter we have a session of Zumba with Beatrice and Maryanne leading the team. People got turnt like real turnt, this team has just reached new levels of team cohesion… You can see the bush zumba video below. The #MtKenyaChallenge2017 continued….


The Ngong hills are absolutely amazing #Hiking #MtKenyaChallenge2017

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4 responses to “Ngong Hills Hike #MtKenyaChallenge2017

  1. woolie

    April 28, 2017 at 11:45 pm


    This new place looks real sharp. I like what you’ve done with the decor Mr Mackel9. 🙂

    I think I may have mentioned before how your sense of adventure and momentum comes through every time you write a travel-related post. The gift of being able to take your reader with you is something special and you must cherish and nurture it, make it smooth and polish it and finally put your own unique label upon it. Your use of images brings everything to life and one can almost feel the searing heat and the high winds up there on the hills. Those wind generators must make a heck of a racket. Are there some people who perhaps feel that the large turbines ruin the natural views?

    Thanks also for giving a shout out to the older couples there enjoying the natural resource that is the beautiful Ngong Hills

    Great post.

    • Mackel9

      April 29, 2017 at 9:55 pm

      Hey Woolie,

      It is always a pleasure having you here and I really love your advice, do you know of a writing class that I can join? I will definitely join, my mom tells me I take a story from beginning to end real quick and I am really working on adding more details :-).

      The new decor was facilitated by my friend Chris, I should now buy him some hot tea in a tin cup when we next meet haha…

      Oh boy those wind generators sound like something from a 1945 movie, like a big rusty ship rocking on its rusty anchor man you should just go there and experience it. I could not even wrap my head how thy managed to get the propellers up there, they must be weighing a tonne and they sounded like they hadn’t seen grease in a long while, it is like they were grinding sand… For me the turbines were something I hadn’t seen in real life so about people who feel that it makes their view lesser, that is their own!

      I loved that that couple, only that we were on the move I would have chatted them to get their story 🙂

  2. Savvy

    April 29, 2017 at 3:32 pm

    Wow, I’m very impressed with your preparation for the Mt. Kenya Challenge.

    Can’t wait to read about the actual climb to the summit. I hope to climb Mt. Kenya someday too.

    I hiked Ngong Hills once over 10 years ago! Wish to do it again.

    • Mackel9

      April 29, 2017 at 10:00 pm

      Hey Savvy,

      It was quite some work and commitment involved. When you will be doing your Mt. Kenya climb make sure you choose Xtrym Adventures, I might even be ready to take on the challenge a second time and join your team.

      Ngong hills was a first and I tried to be a sponge and soak it all in, it was amazing, you MUST do it again ;-).

      The actual climb story is now ready to be told… 🙂


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