Monthly Archives: January 2014

Fifteen through Twenty Five

Dear diary,

Today am turning a quarter a century old! Damn that’s old! I know its old because last Saturday my niece was turning two; When we got to the birthday girl’s home I see this beautiful lady and I make a mental note to get to know her as the party progresses, the event was filled with moms, aunties am sure she must have felt left out same way the only three male uncles felt. Such events bring together people you probably saw a year before, I decide to ask a cousin where her sister was, whom when I last saw I was a skinny Fifteen year old; she gives me that look (you know the look, that says more that the mouth is telling) and asks who the person seated right across was, shock on me! Ten years can transform a person no doubt, apparently my long time no see cousin had already recognised me while in my head I was going about some hot lady I just saw, ha! I have made a sweeping declaration that I will now ensure I visit all my family members extended or otherwise I don’t want to find myself making moves on family. Can you imagine the shock and embarrassment, had I continued with those cheesy lines from theTao of Badass?

Back to today, I thought something phenomenal would happen to mark such a milestone, maybe it is still coming. I think January babies have a hard time; it being the month immediately after Christmas holidays, everyone is usually following up on other pressing needs rather than give a hoot you have a birthday [check out twitter handles with January dates, those are people giving hints, please don’t forget to say give them a wish, hints can’t get stronger than that…], this makes us more understanding we are more empathetic I would like to think. The last time I ever saw a semblance of a gift despite the many hints and express suggestions I usually give was two years ago! Sucks right? I’m a man I should let it slide yes? Well, screw that I want some MPESA! That’s feels better now, being able to rant a little like a spoilt brat…. Okay am done!

Let me sober up, I shouldn’t get carried away. Above all I am grateful to God for the grace of living that long, I continue to count my blessings and am always amazed. At Fifteen, I used to dream big which hasn’t changed to date [and while at it, got hit with a duster so many times that I lost count, who schedules math class in afternoons anyway?]. I had envisioned two scenarios after school; either go into the business world or into flying. It seems the business option worked out [though am sure mom would have liked an Engineer out of me and am thankful she never forced me into it. I have seen people forced into career paths they hate and they resent their parents for that, so hey generation x and y parents allow your sons and daughters follow their hearts]. By work out I mean that I am in a field where I get to interact with different businesses and some really smart people. These people really widen the horizon of your thinking if you are keen; in my case if you impress me I will listen to the point of letting my guard down [hey con men don’t try this on my ass!].

At Fifteen I had this idea that by the time I hit twenty-five I would have been married, well sort of. I used to toy with the idea of starting a family early so that by the time I hit forty the nest is free from hormone imbalanced teens [can you believe such reasoning from a teen? I think I became self-aware early enough but that is story for another day], so that when “life begins” we can have no disruptions, it is just me and the missus and a lot of time to ourselves, oh boy the folly of youth! Now that I am twenty-five I am not even thinking of getting married or kids anytime soon, but if you have a wedding you can always invite me, who knows I might get jealous enough to change my mind hehehe.

Two years ago I was introduced to the concept of goal setting; look at it as persona performance management only in this case you are your own supervisor the drive has to come from within – Self Motivation. This enables you to focus on SMART objectives unlike resolutions which are based on feelings or for the moment [if you have already broken your new year’s resolution you can understand the difference]. I made some three-year goals in 2012 which I take everywhere in my goal card in my wallet, this helps you to keep on track and lose focus. This happens to be the last year I get to work towards achieving the few remaining goals and hopefully when I achieve them I will feel more inclined to talk about them more of brag sort of lol.

For now let me continue sending strong hints and express suggestions that I need gifts and start preparing on living the next quarter century of my life, the journey has just begun 🙂 but we will survive and I will keep you posted.

PS. On a totally unrelated note, I have lost 4 kilos since December but I still cannot see the buckle of my belt! I feel the abs already forming only that they are covered by a layer of fat but I am getting there 🙂 [Henry thinks am overly optimistic but 4 kilos is proof enough I can lose 4 more and get to a well-toned body, yes?]

In my playlist

Beautiful Soul ¬ Jesse McCartney



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This may come in handy…

Bhuvana Sundaramoorthy\'s Blog

Review these typical interview questions and think about how you would
answer them. Read the questions listed; you will also find some
strategy suggestions with it.

(Excerpted from the book The Accelerated Job Search by Wayne D. Ford, Ph.D, published by The Management Advantage, Inc.)

1. Tell me about yourself:
The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short
statement prepared in your mind. Be careful that it does not sound
rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items unless instructed otherwise.
Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held that relate to
the position you are interviewing for. Start with the item farthest
back and work up to the present.

View original post 2,013 more words


Posted by on January 4, 2014 in Comfort zone.