Tag Archives: Monday

Bits and pieces

The year is flying past quite fast, just the other day I was making goals and resolutions and now I have to sit and take stock of the progress so far. More so like a mid-year audit and sometimes the reality check is not so pleasant.

Well, let me stop with my biggest challenge in terms of goals which has been weight management, this time last year I was hovering around 65kgs (welterweight) come December 2012 I was a light heavy weight a whooping 80kgs of meat (and mostly fat, lol) tell me that is not scary? That meant several wardrobe overhauls since my size 32 trousers could no longer fit. This year I decided all that had to go, I loved my skinny self better…  don’t we all anyway? Going by the number of people who auditioned for slim possible? So I got myself a partner who also had the same goal and every weekend we’d go out for our calorie burning mission, I have to admit she beat my ass every time we did a 100 meter dash, good thing I did not get too cocky beforehand and start making bets as I always do, I would have made big loses there. Come July 2013, I have managed to shed… wait for it *drum rolls please* 6 kgs 🙂 and which I am proud of but my BMI calculator says 70kgs is my ideal weight so for the remaining five and half months those four kgs have to go and at least a two pack thrown in there, I will also pray that no additional calories other than those I need enter…

On the professional front I have been able to scale up from an entry level position last year. At least the learning curve keeps on going, but then I have been very lazy following up on some of the start-ups I want to begin and some ideas I need to execute. The procrastinator devil seems to have had his way with me there, but I still have time before the end of the year ey? Five and half months can make a huge difference I believe, no?

I am ashamed of my volunteer work this year, same with my hobbies which have been thrown in the basement. I am supposed to work on some pro bono work but that cannot be enough I will need to make some more time for that.

Lastly I know I promised to let myself get into a relationship this year, well let’s just say I love my comfort zone way better…


Last weekend a close friend told me of an incident where her friend went out with some guys and she got spiked and was raped. When she told me about it, I told her to take the doctors report and take it with them to the police. Yesterday when I followed up, apparently the victim knows her attacker and does not want to seek legal redress and it set on some unspecific form of vengeance. This got me thinking, why would you want someone who has done you harm just walk about free but make plans on other forms of vengeance, would slapping (or any other form of revenge) him in public be justice enough?


Today being Monday I did not do my #TGIM piece but nonetheless I am grateful and still counting my blessings. Yourself?


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What are you excited about? #TGIM

Happy new month! This month there are a few things I am excited about, things that add some shine it being a Monday. Here is my list, as you read mine I hope you have yours ready, I want to hear of it too;

  • I am excited that my three friends graduated on Friday, even though I couldn’t attend all the parties, I think now I can mentor someone on the little I have learned and gained so far hehehe;
  • I am excited that Geoffrey another friend is starting on his new job mid this month. The job will put him on a new course of his life, demand so much from him and his family, he may even have to change some of his values and viewpoints! That said, these two weeks maybe the only time we ever have so much time with him. I am excited since it has been a hustle for him from straightening things out at school to this point. A yo Geoff, when you get that first salary I want a piece of it;
  • I am excited that this is new months, time to keep on pursuing happiness and trying out new possibilities; and finally
  • I am excited of my new role at work, this means more responsibility, I just hope the perks manifest themselves soon…

There you have it, what are you excited about this Monday? Please share, thank God its Monday 🙂


Posted by on July 1, 2013 in #TGIM, Comfort zone.


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