Monthly Archives: April 2016


Yes I am on tinder! I never thought I would join online dating sites but I finally found myself downloading tinder at 12 am….


How it all begins
I used to be that person whose messenger would read “this person responds to messages in less that 20 minutes” and so were most of my friends. You’d find someone to talk to at 3am on those sleepless nights and you will the night away.
With time these friends they tell you, I found someone and as the rules dictate, when a friend finds someone you cannot be sending messages past nine unless you want to cause problems. And we all want our friends to prosper, yes? And even the conversation patterns start telling you when is a good time to talk. If all messages sent past 8.27pm get responses at 9.11 am, it can only mean you gave to work around 9.00 am and 8.00pm for any meaningful conversation to happen.

And then?
One two three they keep finding people, but you seem to be the one not too keen on it, so what do you do? You start looking, and guess what? The people in your age group are not about that life of talking anymore, they are all “searching” there are clocks ticking, well except me lol

It is 12 am, I am in my bed and it has, and still is raining heavily. Everyone has switched off, I think why not try tinder, I keep hearing about it. I go to the play store and find a host of dating apps, badoo etc etc. So those badoo email notifications I used to see, this was what it was all about? I download my tinder and authenticate and register my details. All is done and I start swiping. I swipe swipe swipe swipe and swipe some more. I go to sleep. In the morning I have three matches! Awesome :-). I hope the knowi just want to talk late at night not really date :-D, but let me wait and see. Wish me luck

PS. Concerns

I just hope if I meet freaks, crazies and weirdo’s, it is of the good type not the bad type lol *crosses fingers*


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Letter to my fourteen year old self – Guest Post

Now that we are in that phase where many people are discovering themselves, or getting to find their personal legend “yup I finally read the alchemist after a year of procrastinating but that is a post for another day”. My friend was telling me of a story of the things she thought she wanted and how now she looks at herself and realizes her path was paved in a totally different direction. She wishes to remain anonymous so let me welcome miss anonymous 🙂


I am not one of the few people who had a career figured out when I was in primary school or high school. It took me a while to figure out that I wanted to be a Human Resources Professional after a stint in an International Trade and Banking. I guess it is because at fourteen years old, I did not have an understanding of what a Human Resources Management entailed unlike in the fields of Finance, Law, Architecture and Medicine.

If I was to write a letter to my fourteen year old self, this is what I would tell her:

Dear fourteen year old miss anonymous,

From an older wiser you, this is what I want you to do:

  1. Continue with your hobby, if you did not have one, find it.
  2. When you join campus, engage yourself in all the activities, sports, clubs etc. There are so many activities that one can get involved in, find at least three.
  3. Party and have fun but also read and make sure you get good grades.
  4. Find internships in where your interest lays, right from the time you are in first year. (I remember I did an accounting internship, and that’s when I discovered I never wanted to be an Accountant, look at who would be doing a boring Accounting job)
  5. Travel, there are lots of opportunities to travel locally with clubs in campus and guess what you get everything at the student’s rate which is way cheaper. Explore your country, maybe go to museums, the national park, the list is endless.
  6. As soon as you get a job, move out of your parents’ house. When you move out, you grow up and start becoming responsible. Lucky me, my parents were not living in Nairobi so I had to move out by force when I landed a job.
  7. Follow your gut. The best advice you will ever get will come from your gut instinct.
  8. Always try something new.
  9. The sky is the limit (cliché I know)

It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about? – Henry David Thoreau
Like wildflowers; you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.


With a lot of love I am yours,

Older miss anonymous :-*


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