Monthly Archives: July 2016

Hit on by a gay guy…

It is 4.56 pm, I am reviewing what i have done for the day as I prepare to call it a day, Then I get a text from a bew number, I would have ignored it with the many scams happening around hadn’t he used my name…

Scam text from a guy who is probably in prison

Scam text from a guy who is probably in prison…

Hi Mackel, how are you doing? Can I ask you something? There’s something that has been on my mind for a while now and I need to ask…

I try searching the number on true caller app as I wonder who could this be? No results! How convenient right?

I’m good, how about you? Who am I speaking to?


Ndirangu who?

Well, I used to see you a lot in this joint and we’d pass each other in the hallways. I don’t think you noticed me but I used to like you a lot… Are you gay?

At that moment I nearly choked. I look around the bus to see if there are any faces that look familiar and probably called Ndirangu who are texting, because if this was a prank… ah ah not funny at all.

NO Ndirangu, I am not gay. I love women. How did you get my number?

Well I am sorry for bothering you Mackel, do have a lovely evening.

The rest of my journey was troubled, I call all my friends who we’d go to the said joint. Nobody had a clue. I try sending money via M-Pesa, the name that shows up is totally strange and not Ndirangu!

Why would he think I was gay, is it the way I walk, talk what? I have never worn skinny pants all my life, it can’t be what I wear. To date I am still baffled by that encounter, being hit on by a gay man was surely a first for me…

What are some of your LGBT experiences as a straight person? Please do share…



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